Resumen curricular:
Graciela Lara López obtuvo su título de Licenciada en Informática y el grado de Maestra en Sistemas de Información por la Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG). Es Doctora en Metodología de la Enseñanza por el Instituto Mexicano de Estudios Pedagógicos (IMEP), México, y Doctora en Software y Sistemas por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), España, donde se le concedió la nota máxima, Cum Laude. Ella tiene la distinción de Investıgador Nacıonal Nıvel I. Actualmente ella es profesora investigadora del Ciencias Computacionales de la Universidad de Guadalajara, México. Sus áreas de interés son: el modelado de objetos en 3D, modelado de Usuario y Realidad Virtual.
Perfil de Investigador SNII:
Perfil PRODEP:
Bases de datos bibliográficas:
Publicaciones del académico:
- La experiencia de la práctica docente en el campo de las ingenierías
- Virtual Reality as a support in psychotherapies for children with autism and/or social anxiety: a systematic review
- Wordsphere: virtual reality text input interface
- Virtual Reality in Overcoming Grief and other Emotions using the Empty Chair Technique
- La Realidad Virtual en la Superación del Duelo y otras Emociones mediante la Técnica de la Silla Vacía: Virtual Reality in Overcoming Grief and other Emotions using the Empty …
- A Literature Review of Hand-Based Interaction in Virtual Environments Through Computer Vision
- Virtual Reality in Object Location
- Latin American Women and Research Contributions to the IT Field
- Framework to support the Data Science of smart city models for decision-making oriented to the efficient dispatch of service petitions
- A model for nonverbal interaction cues in collaborative virtual environments
- Framework to support the Data Science of smart city models for decision‐making oriented to the efficient dispatch of service petitions
- User modelling systems adepted to virtual environments
- Navigation in Virtual Reality
- Virtual Reality Designs
- User Modeling Systems Adapted to Virtual Environments
- The hardware development for virtual reality
- Evolution of Virtual Reality's Interaction Devices
- An experience of Requirements elicitation for multidisciplinary applications
- Smart cities big data algorithms for sensors location
- Transitioning international software engineering standards to academia: Analyzing the results of the adoption of ISO/IEC 29110 in four Mexican universities
- El desarrollo del hardware para la realidad virtual
- Correction to: Framework for the Analysis of Smart Cities Models
- A Computational Measure of Saliency of the Texture Based a Saliency Map by Color
- Framework for the analysis of smart cities models
- 3D objects’ shape relevance for saliency measure
- Evolution of virtual reality’s interaction devices
- An experience of Requirements elicitation for multidisciplinary applications
- Framework for the Analysis of Smart Cities Models
- Algoritmos para el control de indicadores clave de desempeño para Smart Cities.
- Mexican Spanish affective dictionary
- Automatic Directions for Object Localization in Virtual Environments
- A computational model of perceptual saliency for 3D objects in virtual environments
- 3D objects’ shape relevance for saliency measure
- ISO/IEC 29110 and curricula programs related to Computer Science and Informatics in Mexico: Analysis of practices coverage
- Comparative analysis of shape descriptors for 3D objects
- Scheme for the automatic generation of directions to locate objects in virtual environments
- A computational measure of saliency of the shape of 3D objects
- Computerized spatial language generation for object location
- Analysis of coverage of moprosoft practices in curricula programs related to computer science and informatics
- Modelo computacional para la generación de indicaciones en la localización de objetos en entornos virtuales: aspectos espaciales y perceptivos
- Coverage of the university curricula for the Software Engineering industry in Mexico
- Affective behavior and nonverbal interaction in collaborative virtual environments
- Actual state of the coverage of Mexican software industry requested knowledge regarding the project management best practices
- A coding system for qualitative studies of the information-seeking process in computer science research.
- Nonverbal interaction contextualized in collaborative virtual environments
- A coding system for qualitative studies of the information-seeking process in computer science research