Departamento de adscripción:
Categoría: NO DEFINIDO
Perfil PRODEP:
Inicio de la vigencia:
16 de julio de 2023
Fin de la vigencia:
15 de julio de 2026
Bases de datos bibliográficas:
Publicaciones del académico:
2024 - 1 articulos.
- Expressions for the 21 cm wavelength of H and their use to derive two energy-frequency equations to exactly calculate the Planck constant
2023 - 4 articulos.
- The carted quarks-based equations for the proton magnetic moment, its countless configurations and a supposed spin propelling engine.
- Green approach synthesis of carbon quantum dots from agave bagasse and their use to boost seed germination and plant growth
- Expressions for the normal and the anomalous electron magnetic moments. The hypothetical electron carted charge propelling engine.
- AH atom model able to predict line series, fine structures, Fraunhofer and Fulcher spectra using a finite number of transversal electron orbits. The atom radius size effect on …
2022 - 1 articulos.
- An expanded Tauc absorption equation and its application to detect all energy gaps and transition types in the band diagram of bulk Silicon.
2021 - 2 articulos.
- The quantum behavior of a particle in a square well of finite, uni-dimensional potential. The entangled fate of Schrödinger’s cat.
- The quantum behavior of a particle in a square well of finite, unidimensional potential. The entangled fate of Schrödinger’s cat
2020 - 2 articulos.
- Trigonometric derivations of the fine structure constant, the proton charge radius, the proton to electron mass ratio, the electron charge to mass ratio and the classical …
- The proton charge radius and the proton to electron mass ratio equations
2019 - 2 articulos.
- Synthesis of Si and CdTe quantum dots and their combined use as down-shifting photoluminescent centers in Si solar cells
- Anomalous Stokes shift of colloidal quantum dots and their influence on solar cell performance
2018 - 1 articulos.
- Anomalous stokes shift of colloidal quantum dots
2017 - 2 articulos.
- Synergistic effects of nanotexturization and down shifting CdTe quantum dots in solar cell performance
- Synthesis and characterization of the interaction of ZnO and CdTe photoluminescent quantum dots for photovoltaic applications
2015 - 3 articulos.
- Influence of Au/Ag nanostars and CdTe quantum dots on photon manipulation
- Efficiency improvement employing CdTe quantum dots and Ag/Au nanoalloys on c-silicon solar cells
- Influence of nanotexturization, nanoparticles and CdTe quantum dots in the power conversion efficiency of solar cells
2014 - 1 articulos.
- Modelado del confinamiento y la luminiscencia en nanopartículas de seleniuro y telururo de cadmio
2012 - 2 articulos.
- Transient voltage suppressor and method
- Transient voltage suppressor and methods
2008 - 1 articulos.
- Thyristor and method of manufacture
2004 - 2 articulos.
- Improved construction method of a surface micromachined pin-jointed actuator tool using only two mechanical layers
- Dynamic behavior modeling of mems parallel plate capacitors
2003 - 1 articulos.
- Study of the pull-in voltage for MEMS parallel plate capacitor actuators