Resumen curricular:
El Dr. Néstor García Chan es profesor del Centro Universitario de Ciencias Exactas e Ingenierías de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Es Licenciado en Matemáticas, Maestro en Ciencias de la Tierra y Doctor en Matemáticas Aplicadas. Es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores nivel II y cuenta con nombramiento de Profesor con Perfil Deseable (PRODEP). Cuenta con artículos en revistas indexadas en el JCR, además de capítulos de libro derivado de su participación en congresos nacionales e internacionales. Ha dirigido tesis de nivel licenciatura, maestría y doctorado. Sus líneas de investigación incluyen la modelación matemática, la simulación numérica y el control óptimo aplicados a diferentes problemas medioambientales como la isla de calor urbana, la dispersión de contaminantes en cuerpos de agua y la contaminación del aire debido al flujo vehicular en zonas urbanas.
Perfil de Investigador SNII:
Perfil PRODEP:
Bases de datos bibliográficas:
Publicaciones del académico:
- Towards a More Efficient Evacuation of Crowds by Means of an Optimal Location of Exit Doors
- Urban Heat Island Dynamics in an Urban–Rural Domain with Variable Porosity: Numerical Methodology and Simulation
- Optimal Location of Exit Doors for Efficient Evacuation of Crowds at Gathering Places
- Bilevel optimal control of urban traffic-related air pollution by means of Stackelberg strategies
- Designing an ecologically optimized road corridor surrounding restricted urban areas: A mathematical methodology
- Simulation of heat and water transport on different tree canopies: A finite element approach
- Transmission dynamics and forecasts of the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico, March- December 2020
- Understanding the role of urban design in disease spreading
- Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2018
- Optimal management of an urban road network with an environmental perspective
- Environmentally Optimized Management of Urban Road Networks
- An approach to an optimal T-head jetty: a numerical simulation case in Chamela Bay, Mexico
- EngOpt 2018 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Engineering Optimization
- Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2016
- Optimal control of urban air pollution related to traffic flow in road networks
- Numerical simulation of air pollution due to traffic flow in urban networks
- Numerical simulation for evaluating the effect of traffic restrictions on urban air pollution
- Integral Methods in Science and Engineering Theoretical and Computational Advances
- Optimal location of green zones in metropolitan areas to control the urban heat island
- An application of interactive multi-criteria optimization to air pollution control
- Stackelberg strategies for wastewater management
- A computational framework for informing decision in relation to environmental impact of wastewater discharges
- Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2012
- On optimal location and management of a new industrial plant: Numerical simulation and control
- Minimizing the environmental impact of wastewater discharges with SOS
- Estrategias Para la Gestión Medioambiental en Zonas Costeras
- SOS: A numerical simulation toolbox for decision support related to wastewater discharges and their environmental impact
- Management of Several Purifying Plants in the Same Area: A Multi-Objective Optimal Control Problem
- Pareto-optimal solutions for a wastewater treatment problem
- Multi-objective Pareto-optimal control: An application to wastewater management