Departamento de adscripción:
Resumen curricular:
La Dra. Isabel Sainz es profesora del Centro Universitario de Ciencias Exactas e Ingenierías de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Sus estudios de pregrado los realizó en Matemáticas Aplicadas, estudió la Maestría y el Doctorado en Ciencias en Física. Es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, nivel 1, tiene índice-H de 7 y cuenta con 26 artículos JCR. Sus líneas de investigación son la Información Cuántica, particularmente la tomografía de estados cuánticos y la Óptica Cuántica, donde trabaja con modelos fuera de la aproximación de onda rotante y le interesan las transiciones atómicas efectivas.
Perfil de Investigador SNII:
Nivel SNII:
Área del conocimiento:
I. Físico-Matemáticas y Ciencias de la Tierra
Campo de investigación:
Periodo vigente:
1 de enero de 2024
31 de diciembre de 2028
Perfil PRODEP:
Inicio de la vigencia:
1 de septiembre de 2022
Fin de la vigencia:
31 de agosto de 2025
Bases de datos bibliográficas:
Google Scholar


Publicaciones del académico:
2024 - 3 articulos.
- Tomographic Universality of the Discrete Wigner Function.
- Tomographic Universality of the Discrete Wigner Function. Quantum Rep. 2024, 6, 58–73
- Tomographic Universality of the Discrete Wigner Function
2021 - 2 articulos.
- MUB-like structures and tomographic reconstruction for N-ququart systems
- Effective and efficient resonant transitions in periodically modulated quantum systems
2020 - 2 articulos.
- Macroscopic approach to N-qudit systems
- Truncated Wigner approximation as non-positive Kraus map
2018 - 1 articulos.
- MUB tomography performance under influence of systematic errors
2017 - 1 articulos.
- Bi-orthogonal mutually unbiased bases for N-qubit systems
2016 - 1 articulos.
- Error estimation in the direct state tomography
2015 - 1 articulos.
- Quantum tomography via nonorthogonal basis and weak values
2013 - 2 articulos.
- Equidistant-state preparation
- Optimal unbiased state characterization
2012 - 1 articulos.
- Non-orthogonal Wigner-like mapping
2011 - 1 articulos.
- Entanglement generation in a spin chain by a pulsed magnetic field: analytical treatment
2010 - 2 articulos.
- Transient entanglement in a spin chain stimulated by phase pulses
- Unbiased nonorthogonal bases for tomographic reconstruction
2009 - 3 articulos.
- Entanglement generated by a Dicke phase transition
- Entanglement enhancement for two spins assisted by two phase kicks
- Combating entanglement sudden death with non-local quantum-error correction
2008 - 6 articulos.
- Erratum: Entanglement invariant for the double Jaynes-Cummings model [Phys. Rev. A 76, 042313 (2007)]
- On the efficiency of nondegenerate quantum error correction codes for Pauli channels
- Entanglement invariant for the double Jaynes-Cummings model (vol 76, art no 042313, 2007)
- Quantum phase transitions in an effective Hamiltonian: fast and slow systems
- Quantum error correction may delay, but also cause, entanglement sudden death
- Channel and carrier adapted quantum error correction
2007 - 5 articulos.
- Entanglement invariant for the double Jaynes-Cummings model
- Detecting entanglement through correlations between local observables
- Estimating entanglement through local correlations
- Bipartite entanglement measure based on covariance
- Estimating entanglement through local correlations (Invited Paper)[6726C-121]
2006 - 4 articulos.
- Effective resonance transitions in quantum systems
- Effective resonance transitions in quantum optical systems: Kinematic and dynamic resonances
- Entanglement dynamics modified by an effective atomic environment
- Effective Hamiltonian approach to periodically perturbed quantum optical systems
2005 - 2 articulos.
- Dispersive environment inducing entanglement dynamics in atomic systems
- Qubits entanglement dynamics modified by an effective atomic environment
2004 - 1 articulos.
- Effective resonant interactions via a driving field
2003 - 2 articulos.
- Resonance expansion versus the rotating-wave approximation
- Resonant interaction modified by the atomic environment