Departamento de adscripción:
Resumen curricular:
el Dr. Josué R. Solís Pacheco es profesor del CUCEI de la Universidad de Guadalajara. De profesión es Ing. Bioquímico en Alimentos, Maestro en Biotecnología y Dr. en Biotecnología (ambos por el Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Aplicadas de Toulouse, Francia). Es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores con el Nivel 1, con indice H de 7. sus líneas de investigación producción y aplicación de bacterionacinas, usos de plasma frio y purificación de proteínas.
Perfil de Investigador SNII:
Nivel SNII:
Área del conocimiento:
II. Biología y Química
Campo de investigación:
Periodo vigente:
1 de enero de 2023
31 de diciembre de 2027
Perfil PRODEP:
Inicio de la vigencia:
16 de julio de 2023
Fin de la vigencia:
15 de julio de 2029
Cuerpos académicos:
24 de octubre de 2022 - 24 de octubre de 2025
Bases de datos bibliográficas:
Publicaciones del académico:
2024 - 7 articulos.
- Los hongos al rescate del planeta: ¿Un nuevo aliado en contra de la contaminación de residuos plásticos en el medio ambiente?
- A Case Report: Beneficial Effect of Powder Human Milk in an Infant with Bartter Syndrome
- Effectiveness of Powdered Human Milk in the Nutrition of a Premature Newborn with Prenatal Exposure to Toxic Substances: A Clinical Case Report
- Compilation of Evidence on COVID-19 Vaccine Immunization During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
- Enzymatically acylated naringin with gut modulation potential☆
- Design and Characterization of an Antimicrobial Biocomposite for Wound Dressings
- The Science of Fermentation
2023 - 6 articulos.
- Oral Administration of Lactobacillus Inhibits the Permeability of Blood-Brain and Gut Barriers in a Parkinsonism Model
- Effects of maternal toxic substance consumption during breastfeeding on lactic acid bacteria abundance and nutritional content
- Improvement and Validation of a Genomic DNA Extraction Method for Human Breastmilk
- Staphylococcus aureus inactivation and maintenance of macronutrients of human milk by high hydrostatic pressure and spray-drying process
- Oral Administration of Lactobacillus Inhibits the Permeability of Blood‐Brain and Gut Barriers in a Parkinsonism Model
- Powderization of Human Milk
2022 - 4 articulos.
- Human lactoferrin from breast milk: characterization by HPLC and its in vitro antibiofilm performance
- Improvement, Standardization, and Validation of A Novel Genomic DNA Extraction Method for Human Breastmilk
- Effect of the Application of Cold Plasma Energy on the Inactivation of Microorganisms, Proteins, and Lipids Deterioration in Adobera Cheese
- Efecto de tratamiento con plasma frío en puré de jaca: descontaminación de esporas de Aspergillus niger y atributos de calidad Resumen
2021 - 9 articulos.
- Humpback whale breeding stock G: Updated population estimate based on photo-ID matches between breeding and feeding areas
- Effect of cold plasma technology on minimally processed roasted coffee (Coffea arabica L.) in relation to physicochemical properties, sensorial analysis and antioxidant compounds
- Characterization of sodium alginate coatings with Meyerozyma caribbica and impact on quality properties of avocado fruit
- Effect of Propiedades fisicoquímicas, aromáticas, sensoriales y actividad antioxidante del café tostado (Coffea arabica L.) tratado con tecnología de plasma frío
- Estimation of metabolic fluxes distribution in Saccharomyces cerevisiae during the production of volatile compounds of Tequila
- Assessment of the accelerated shelf life of human milk dehydrated by aspersion and treated by UV, high pressures, and pasteurization
- Physicochemical, aromatic, sensory properties and antioxidant activity of roasted coffee (Coffea arabica L.) treated with cold plasma technology
- Effect of cold plasma treatment on jackfruit puree: decontamination of Aspergillus niger spores and quality attributes
- Effect of the Intake of Probiotics Isolated from Human Milk in People with Gastritis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
2020 - 7 articulos.
- In-vivo assessment of the protection of β-glucans of pleurotus ostreatus against oxidative stress caused by acrylamide intake (Part ii)
- In vivo assessment of the protection conferred by β-glucans from pleurotus ostreatus against the harmful effects of acrylamide intake (Part i)
- Evaluación in vivo de la proteccion de los β-glucanos de Pleurotus ostreatus contra el estrés oxidativo causado por la ingesta de acrilamida (parte II)
- In-vivo assessment of the protection of β-glucans of Pleurotus ostreatus against oxidative stress caused by acrylamide intake (part II).
- In vivo assessment and characterization of lactic acid bacteria with probiotic profile isolated from human milk powder
- In vivo assessment of the protection conferred by β-glucans from Pleurotus ostreatus against the harmful effects of acrylamide intake (Part I)
- Optimization of the byosynthesis of gold nanoparticles using Hypericum perforatum and evaluation of their antimicrobial activity
2019 - 5 articulos.
- Influencia de la dieta de mujeres mexicanas sobre la calidad nutricional y la presencia de microorganismos benéficos en la leche humana
- Cold plasma treatment as an alternative for ochratoxin a detoxification and inhibition of mycotoxigenic fungi in roasted coffee
- Human milk powder an alternative for better conservation and healthier use in the banks of human milk
- Trabajo Original Otros
- CPQ Nutrition (2019) 3: 2 Research Article
2018 - 2 articulos.
- Assessment of the biological activity in human milk power treated with different processes for their conservation
- CPQ Nutrition (2018) 1: 6 Research Article
2017 - 9 articulos.
- Effect and mechanism of action of non-thermal plasma in the survival of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Evaluation of nutrients removal (NO3-N, NH3-N and PO4-P) with Chlorella vulgaris, Pseudomonas putida, Bacillus cereus and a consortium of these microorganisms in the treatment of wastewater effluents
- Impact of pasteurization/freeze-drying on available immunoglobulin content of the mature human milk. Use in human milk banking of hospitals
- Impacto de la pasteurización/liofilización en el contenido disponible de inmunoglobulinas en leche humana madura: Estudio de aplicación en bancos de leche humana en hospitales
- Effect and mechanism of action of non-thermal plasma in the survival of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
- Inactivación de Aspergillus spp. y detoxificación de ocratoxina A en café tostado por plasma frío
- Impacto de la pasteurización/liofilización en el contenido disponible de inmunoglobulinas en leche humana madura: estudio de aplicación en bancos de leche humana en hospitales
- Evaluation of nutrients removal (NO3-N, NH3-N and PO4-P) with Chlorella vulgaris, Pseudomonas putida, Bacillus cereus and a consortium of these microorganisms in the treatment …
2016 - 1 articulos.
- Spray and freeze drying of human milk on the retention of immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG, IgM)