Departamento de adscripción:
Resumen curricular:
El Dr. Zúñiga es profesor del Centro Universitario de Ciencias Exactas e Ingenierías de la Universidad de Guadalajara. es Ingeniero en electrónica, Maestro en Ciencias en Ingeniería Eléctrica y Doctor en Ciencias en Ingeniería Eléctrica. Es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores nivel I, tiene un índice H de 6 y cuenta con 13 artículos JCR. Sus líneas de investigación incluyen el análisis armónico, así como el modelado y control de convertidores de electrónica de potencia; también estudia el uso de convertidores de electrónica de potencia para filtrado activo, calidad de la energía, interfaces para fuentes de generación renovables y microrredes.
Perfil de Investigador SNII:
Nivel SNII:
Área del conocimiento:
VIII. Ingenierías y Desarrollo Tecnológico
Campo de investigación:
Periodo vigente:
1 de enero de 2023
31 de diciembre de 2027
Perfil PRODEP:
Inicio de la vigencia:
16 de julio de 2019
Fin de la vigencia:
15 de julio de 2025
Bases de datos bibliográficas:
Publicaciones del académico:
2024 - 2 articulos.
- On lossless negative imaginary property for the characterization of LCL filters
- Real-Time Neural Control for Discrete Nonlinear Systems Under Unknown Input and State Disturbances
2023 - 3 articulos.
- An investigation of earth and sea-return impedances of power electrical cables
- Input vector selection in NARX models using statistical techniques to improve the generated power forecasting in PV systems
- Seasonal time-series imputation of gap missing algorithm (STIGMA)
2022 - 1 articulos.
2020 - 2 articulos.
- Analysis of windowed dynamical electrical signals through orthogonal basis and the Kalman Filter
- Discrete-time neural control of quantized nonlinear systems with delays: Applied to a three-phase linear induction motor
2018 - 3 articulos.
- Analysis of synchronverters and droop control scheme during microgrid operation: A performance comparison approach
- Error Images for Estimating the Accuracy of Ground-Return Impedance Models
- Synthesizing electrical signals with harmonic and inter-harmonic components through generalized Fourier series
2017 - 6 articulos.
- Autotuning technique for droop controllers to mitigate voltage and frequency deviations caused by load changes
- Modified bio-inspired optimisation algorithm with a centroid decision making approach for solving a multi-objective optimal power flow problem
- Modified bio‐inspired optimisation algorithm with a centroid decision making approach for solving a multi‐objective optimal power flow problem
- Improvement of damping impedance method for Power Hardware in the Loop simulations
- Droop controller comparison for AC microgrids
- Analysis of harmonic and inter-harmonic signals through generalized-Fourier series
2016 - 3 articulos.
- High order Sliding Mode Control for shunt Active Power Filter
- Dynamic tracking of power system harmonics with a new Kalman-Wavelet technique
- Identification of weak buses for proper placement of reactive compensation through sensitivity analysis using a neural network surrogate model
2015 - 2 articulos.
- Phase compensation scheme to improve the accuracy of a power hardware-in-the-loop experiment based on a synchronous generator
- Synchronous generator emulator prototype as a testbed for electric equipment
2014 - 2 articulos.
- Static synchronous series compensator for active power flow control during unconventional operating conditions
- Geophysical exploration to estimate conductivity and permittivity model of an excavated soil block
2013 - 4 articulos.
- STATCOM prototype in voltage control mode to assess its behavior in electric power networks
- Efficient Truncation Criterion for the Parameter Estimation of a Stratified Ground Block
- Ground-Impedance Graphic Analysis Through Relative Error Images
- Vulnerability Analysis of Power Grids Using Modified Centrality Measures
2012 - 1 articulos.
2011 - 1 articulos.
2009 - 2 articulos.
- Harmonic modeling of multi-pulse SSSC
- Multi-pulse switching functions modeling of flexible AC transmission systems devices
2008 - 1 articulos.
2006 - 1 articulos.
2005 - 1 articulos.