Perfil del usuario

Departamento de adscripción: MADERA CELULOSA Y PAPEL

Resumen curricular:

La Dra. Yolanda González García es profesor-investigador del Centro Universitario de Ciencias Exactas e Ingenierías de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Es Ingeniero en Biotecnología con Doctorado en ciencias de procesos biotecnológicos. Es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores nivel I y cuenta con más de 30 artíclos JCR, así como varias direcciones de tesis de licenciatura y posgrado. Está adscrita al Madera, Celulosa y Papel, encargándose del Laboratorio se Bioingeniería. Imparte clases en los programas de Maestría en Ciencia de Productos Forestales, Doctorado en Ciencias en Procesos Biotecnológicos y Doctorado en Ciencia de Biomateriales Sustentables. Sus líneas de investigación principales son: 1) Biosíntesis , caracterización y aplicación de biopolímeros microbianos (polihidroxialcanoatos, celulosa bacteriana, sustancias exopoliméricas, almidón etc), aceites y pigmentos microbianos; 2) Biodegradación de biopolímeros y biocompositos; y 3)Aprovechamiento de residuos como fuentes alternativas de nutrientes para la producción de dichos metabolitos.

Perfil de Investigador SNII:

Nivel SNII:
Área del conocimiento:
VII. Ciencias de Agricultura, Agropecuarias, Forestales y de Ecosistemas;
Campo de investigación:
Periodo vigente:
1 de enero de 2021 - 31 de diciembre de 2025

Bases de datos bibliográficas:

Publicaciones del académico:

2024 - 2 articulos.
  • Innovación en biomateriales sustentables para un mundo mejor: un enfoque multidisciplinario.
  • Use of an internal loop airlift bioreactor to produce polyhydroxyalkanoates by Stenotrophomonas rhizophila
2023 - 4 articulos.
2022 - 10 articulos.
  • “Extracellular Polysaccharide Synthesized by the Halophilic Bacterium Salibacterium halochares STm, Isolated from Gypsum Dunes: Production, Physicochemical Characterization and Emulsifying Properties”
  • In Vivo Modification of Microporous Structure in Bacterial Cellulose by Exposing Komagataeibacter xylinus Culture to Physical and Chemical Stimuli
  • Crude oil induces plant growth and antioxidant production in Leersia hexandra Sw. A hydrophytic grass that rhizodegrades oil in Tabasco, Mexico.
  • Seed priming with carbon nanomaterials improves the bioactive compounds of tomato plants under saline stress
  • Extracellular Polysaccharide Synthesized by the Halophilic Bacterium Salibacterium halochares STm, Isolated from Gypsum Dunes: Production, Physicochemical …
  • Thermochemical and Enzymatic Saccharification of Water Hyacinth Biomass into Fermentable Sugars
  • Effect of carbon-based nanomaterials on Fusarium wilt in tomato
  • Impact of chitosan and chitosan based nanoparticles on plants growth and development
  • Application of two forms of silicon and their impact on the postharvest and the content of bioactive compounds in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) fruits
  • Stimulatory role of nanomaterials on agricultural crops
2021 - 9 articulos.
  • Seed priming with ZnO nanoparticles promotes early growth and bioactive compounds of Moringa oleifera
  • Silicon Nanoparticles Improve the Shelf Life and Antioxidant Status of Lilium
  • Nitric oxide modified growth, nutrient uptake and the antioxidant defense system in tomato seedlings stressed with arsenic
  • Influence of the blending method over the thermal and mechanical properties of biodegradable polylactic acid/polyhydroxybutyrate blends and their wood biocomposites
  • Induction of stress tolerance in crops by applying nanomaterials
  • Carbon Nanotubes Decrease the Negative Impact of Alternaria solani in Tomato Crop
  • Biodegradability and improved mechanical performance of polyhydroxyalkanoates/agave fiber biocomposites compatibilized by different strategies
  • Biocompatibility of ferulic/succinic acid-grafted chitosan hydrogels for implantation after brain injury: A preliminary study
  • Effect of three nanoparticles (Se, Si and Cu) on the bioactive compounds of bell pepper fruits under saline stress
2020 - 8 articulos.
  • Production and Characterization of Surface-Active Lipopeptides by Haloalkaliphilic Bacteria Salibacterium sp. 4CTb
  • Phosphate solubilization and indole-like compounds production by bacteria isolated from forest soil with plant growth promoting activity on pine seedlings
  • Producción de celulosa bacteriana por Komagataeibacter xylinus utilizando desperdicio de mango como fuente de carbono alternativa
  • Seed priming with carbon nanomaterials to modify the germination, growth, and antioxidant status of tomato seedlings
  • Forest soil bacteria able to produce homo and copolymers of polyhydroxyalkanoates from several pure and waste carbon sources
  • Production of bacterial cellulose by Komagataeibacter xylinus using mango waste as alternative culture medium
  • Physicochemical characterization and emulsifying properties of a novel exopolysaccharide produced by haloarchaeon Haloferax mucosum
  • Production and Characterization of Surface‐Active Lipopeptides by Haloalkaliphilic Bacteria Salibacterium sp. 4CTb
2019 - 4 articulos.
2018 - 4 articulos.
2017 - 6 articulos.
2016 - 3 articulos.