Resumen curricular:
Mis estudios de licenciatura en Física y la Maestría en Física los realicé en la Universidad de Guadalajara, el Doctorado en Ciencias en Física lo hice en la misma institución. Realice dos años de posdoctorado en la Universidad de Colima desarrollando teoría y experimental de propiedades eléctricas en semiconductores. Actualmente, soy profesor e investigador titular A adscrito al Departamento de Ingeniería de Proyectos de la Universidad de Guadalajara y soy líder del grupo de investigación registrado con nombre con clave UDG-CA-895. También, he trabajado en otras instituciones de educación superior como docente e investigador (CETI y U de C). Pertenezco al sistema nacional de investigadores desde 2013 hasta en la actualizad con nivel 2 (2025). Me han otorgado el reconocimiento dos veces como profesor del perfil deseable PRODEP por la Secretaria de Educación Pública de México (actualmente con el reconocimiento), he realizado investigación y generado conocimiento de vanguardia en el campo de la física del estado sólido, en particular en el estudio de propiedades eléctrica en atmósferas tóxicas y no tóxica de semiconductores para el desarrollo de sensores de gases y sensores médicos para la detección de glucosa atreves de vapores de alcoholes. Realizo investigación teórica de los efectos del oxígeno en semiconductores y trabajo sobre el desarrollo de sensores de fibra óptica, procesamientos de imágenes de manera teórica. Como líder de grupo de investigación, hacemos colaboración con otras instituciones de carácter nacional y proponemos nuevos proyectos que ayudan a la comunidad nacional y local de México. Derivado de nuestros proyectos de investigación, he titulado estudiante de doctorado que actualmente pertenecen al sistema nacional de investigadores y soy responsable de los proyectos de posdoctorado. De mi trabajo, genere patentes, modelos de utilidad, publicado más de 42 artículos, capítulos de libros y he hecho difusión de mis investigaciones.
Perfil de Investigador SNII:
Perfil PRODEP:
Bases de datos bibliográficas:
Publicaciones del académico:
- Photocatalytic and sensing properties in propane atmospheres of MgSb2O6 nanoparticles synthesized by a chemical method
- A theoretical and experimental study on the dynamic response in propane atmospheres of sensors made from trirutile magnesium antimonate powders
- A Novel Sensor for the Detection of n-Butanol Based on CoMn2O4 Nanoparticles
- Synthesis and Sensing Response of Magnesium Antimoniate Oxide (MgSb2O6) in the Presence of Propane Atmospheres at Different Operating Voltages
- Vectorial Image Representation for Image Classification
- Photocatalytic Evaluation and Application as a Sensor for the Toxic Atmospheres (Propane and Carbon Monoxide) of Nickel Antimonate (NiSb2O6) Powders
- A New Texture Spectrum Based on Parallel Encoded Texture Unit and Its Application on Image Classification: A Potential Prospect for Vision Sensing
- Zinc aluminate (ZnAl2O4) applied in the development of a propane gas sensor and in the design of a digital gas detector
- Gas response enhancement of nanocrystalline LaFeO3 perovskite prepared using the microwave-assisted solution method
- A disturbed optical interferometric sensor analyzed on complex s-plane: A new novel vectorial detection technique for the interference patterns
- Toxic Gas Detectors Based on a MnSb2O6 Oxide Chemical Sensor
- Synthesis of the oxide NiSb2O6 and its electrical characterization in toxic atmospheres for its application as a gas sensor
- The fringe visibility measurements on the complex s-plane: A novel method for the fringe visibility measurement
- Synthesis, characterization, and sensitivity tests of a novel sensor based on barium antimonate powders
- Preparation of powders containing sb, ni, and o for the design of a novel co and c3h8 sensor
- Electrical response of the spinel ZnAl2 O4 and its application in the detection of propane gas
- A theoretical-practical study on poles and zeros calculated from a filtered modulated function of an interference pattern
- Synthesis of ZnAl2O4 and evaluation of the response in propane atmospheres of pellets and thick films manufactured with powders of the oxide
- High performance isopropanol sensor based on spinel ZnMn2O4 nanoparticles
- A Gas Sensor for Application as a Propane Leak Detector
- Advances in Complex Analysis and Applications
- Low-Finesse Fabry-Pérot Interferometers Applied in the Study of the Relation between the Optical Path Difference and Poles Location
- Synthesis of MnSb2O6 powders through a simple low-temperature method and their test as a gas sensor
- Interference Pattern Representation on the Complex s-Plane
- Carbone monoxide (CO) detection device based on the nickel antimonate oxide and a DC electronic circuit
- A simple route for the preparation of nanostructured GdCoO3 via the solution method, as well as its characterization and its response to certain gases
- Synthesis and characterization of nickel antimonate nanoparticles: sensing properties in propane and carbon monoxide
- Signal Analysis, Signal Demodulation and Numerical Simulation of a Quasi-Distributed Optical Fiber Sensor Based on FDM/WDM Techniques and Fabry-Pérot Interferometers
- Key processing of porous and fibrous LaCoO3 nanostructures for successful CO and propane sensing
- Sensitivity tests of pellets made from manganese antimonate nanoparticles in carbon monoxide and propane atmospheres
- A new CO2 detection system based on the trirutile-type CoSb2O6 oxide
- Synthesis and characterization of cobalt antimonate nanostructures and their study as potential CO and CO2 sensor at low temperatures
- Numerical Simulations in Engineering and Science
- Synthesis of ZnMn2O4 nanoparticles by a microwave-assisted colloidal method and their evaluation as a gas sensor of propane and carbon monoxide
- A novel CO and C3H8 sensor made of CuSb2O6 nanoparticles
- Facile Synthesis, Microstructure, and Gas Sensing Properties of NdCoO3 Nanoparticles
- Nanostructured Materials - Fabrication to Applications
- Gas Sensing Properties of NiSb2O6 Micro-and Nanoparticles in Propane and Carbon Monoxide Atmospheres
- Study of the erosive wear behaviour of cryogenically and tempered WC-CoCr coating deposited by HVOF
- A theoretical study and numerical simulation of a quasi-distributed sensor based on the low-finesse fabry-perot interferometer: Frequency-division multiplexing
- Síntesis y caracterización de nanoestructuras del mgsb2o6 para su potencial aplicación como detector de atmósferas de propano
- Synthesis, characterization, and sensor applications of spinel ZnCo2O4 nanoparticles
- Synthesis, characterization and sensitivity tests of perovskite-type LaFeO3 nanoparticles in CO and propane atmospheres
- Modified Carbon Paste Electrodes Used to Evaluate the Retention Properties of Cd2+, Pb2+ and Cu2+ on Biosolids, Soils and Biocomposites
- A novel gas sensor based on MgSb2O6 nanorods to indicate variations in carbon monoxide and propane concentrations
- CO and C3H8 Sensitivity Behavior of Zinc Antimonate Prepared by a Microwave‐Assisted Solution Method
- Sensitivity of Mesoporous CoSb2O6 Nanoparticles to Gaseous CO and C3H8 at Low Temperatures