Resumen curricular:
El Dr. Julio C. Serrano Niño, es graduado de la licenciatura en Ingenieria Bioquimica en Alimentos y la Maestria en Ciencias en Alimentos en el Instituto Tecnologico de Tuxtepec y en el año 2013 obtuvo su grado de Doctor en Ciencias en Alimentos en la Unidad de Investigación y Desarrollo en Alimentos del Instituto Tecnológico de Veracruz. Realizo una estancia posdoctoral durante 2 años en la Universidad de Guadalajara de la cual ahora es Profesor Investigador Titular de tiempo completo de la licenciatura en Quimico Farmaceutico Biologo, actualmente es presidente de la Academia de Toxicologia de esa licenciatura, responsable del Cuerpo Academico Toxicologia y Biofarmacia aplicada, jefe del Laboratorio de Morfologia, miembro de la junta academica y profesor del nucleo academico de la Maestria en ciencias en Inocuidad Alimentaria. Ha publicado articulos en diversas revistas científicas arbitradas de difusión internacional y capítulos de libro y participado como ponente en diferentes eventos científicos nacionales e internacionales. Sus líneas de investigación incluyen el aislamiento de bacterias acido lácticas con potencial probiótico y su uso como protectores contra toxinas naturales, determinación de toxinas en alimentos y la evaluacion de compuestos antimicrobianos.
Perfil de Investigador SNII:
Bases de datos bibliográficas:
Publicaciones del académico:
- Biological toxicity, safety issues, and environmental hazards associated with silver nanoparticles
- Assessment of acrolein development during frying and its relation in acrylamide formation
- Assessment of chitosan-based adsorbents for glyphosate removal
- Silver Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery
- Improving Foodborne Pathogen Control Using Green Nanosized Emulsions of Plectranthus hadiensis Phytochemicals
- Magnesium nanohydroxide (2D brucite) as a host matrix for thymol and carvacrol: Synthesis, characterization, and inhibition of foodborne pathogens
- Propiedades Antimicrobianas de una Biopelícula de Almidón Saturada con una Nanoemulsión de Aceite Esencial de Orégano
- Food Byproducts: Valorization Through Nutraceutical Production
- Dinamics of phenols and antioxidant capacity changes in pulp, peel, and seed of avocado (Persea americana Mill. Var. Hass) during preharvest maturity
- Bioactive compounds in the peel, arils, and juice of pomegranate fruits Punica granatum in Mexico
- Avocado Byprod-ucts as a Source of Functional and Nutraceutical Compounds
- Avocado Byproducts as a Source of Functional and Nutraceutical Compounds
- Evaluación del efecto in vitro de extractos intra y extracelulares de Lactobacillus contra la genotoxicidad y el estrés oxidativo causado por la acrilamida
- Assessment of the in vitro effect of intra and extracellular extracts of Lactobacillus against genotoxicity and oxidative stress caused by acrylamide
- Effects of sucrose and sodium chloride pretreatments on cassava and plantain chips fried in CLA-enriched soybean oil: An analysis of acrylamide content, microstructure, and other physical properties
- Effects of sucrose and sodium chloride pretreatments on cassava and plantain chips fried in CLA-enriched soybean oil: an analysis of acrylamide content, microstructure, and …
- Super and Nutraceutical Foods: Composition and Technology
- Morphological characterization of southern Jalisco, Mexico, pomegranate genotypes using AFLP markers
- Assessment of the accelerated shelf life of human milk dehydrated by aspersion and treated by UV, high pressures, and pasteurization
- In-vivo assessment of the protection of β-glucans of pleurotus ostreatus against oxidative stress caused by acrylamide intake (Part ii)
- Optimization of the biosynthesis of gold nanoparticles using hypericum perforatum and evaluation of their antimicrobial activity
- In vivo assessment of the protection conferred by β-glucans from pleurotus ostreatus against the harmful effects of acrylamide intake (Part i),Evaluación in vivo de la protección que confieren los β-glucanos de pleurotus ostreatus frente a los efectos nocivos de la ingestión de acrilamida (Parte i)
- Trabajo Original Otros
- Evaluación in vivo de la proteccion de los β-glucanos de Pleurotus ostreatus contra el estrés oxidativo causado por la ingesta de acrilamida (parte II)
- In-vivo assessment of the protection of β-glucans of Pleurotus ostreatus against oxidative stress caused by acrylamide intake (part II).
- Estudio de la capacidad inhibitoria contra bacterias patógenas Gram positivas y Gram negativas de la cáscara de granado Punica granatum L.
- In vivo assessment of the protection conferred by β-glucans from Pleurotus ostreatus against the harmful effects of acrylamide intake (Part I)
- Optimization of the byosynthesis of gold nanoparticles using Hypericum perforatum and evaluation of their antimicrobial activity
- In vivo assessment of the protection conferred by β-glucans from pleurotus ostreatus against the harmful effects of acrylamide intake (Part i),Evaluación in vivo de la protección que confieren los β-glucanos de pleurotus ostreatus frente a los efectos nocivos de la ingestión de acrilamida (Parte i)
- In-vivo assessment of the protection of β-glucans of pleurotus ostreatus against oxidative stress caused by acrylamide intake (Part ii),Evaluación in vivo de la proteccion de los β-glucanos de pleurotus ostreatus contra el estrés oxidativo causado por la ingesta de acrilamida (Parte ii)
- Optimization of the biosynthesis of gold nanoparticles using hypericum perforatum and evaluation of their antimicrobial activity,Optimización de la biosíntesis de nanopartículas de oro utilizando hypericum perforatum y evaluación de su actividad antimicrobiana
- Assessment of the Dietary Intake of Acrylamide by Young Adults in Mexico
- Anticarcinogenic phytochemicals
- Fruit and Vegetable Phytochemicals: Chemistry and Human Health: Second Edition
- Effect of pasteurization, freeze-drying and spray drying on the fat globule and lipid profile of human milk
- Isolation and identification of lactic acid bacteria from human milk with potential probiotic role
- In vitro reduced availability of aflatoxin B1 and acrylamide by bonding interactions with teichoic acids from Lactobacillus strains
- In vitro reduced availability of aflatoxin B1 and acrylamide by bonding interactions with teichoic acids from lactobacillus strains
- Habilidad de Phanerochaete chrysosporium y Trametes versicolor para remover iones metálicos Zn2+, Cr3+, Pb2+.
- Preparation of betulinic acid nanoemulsions stabilized by ω-3 enriched phosphatidylcholine
- ABILITY OF Phanerochaete chrysosporium AND Trametes versicolor TO REMOVE Zn2+ , Cr3+ , Pb2+ METAL IONS
- Preparation of betulinic acid nanoemulsions stabilized by omega-3 enriched phosphatidylcholine
- In vitro Study of the Potential Protective Role of Lactobacillus Strains by Acrylamide Binding
- Operating and compositional variables for preparation of betulinic acid nanoemulsions
- Variables de operación y composición para la preparación de nanoemulsiones de ácido betulínico
- Assessment of probiotic strains ability to reduce the bioaccessibility of aflatoxin M1 in artificially contaminated milk using an in vitro digestive model
- Exposición a la acrilamida a través de alimentos sometidos a tratamiento térmico. Revisión