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Departamento de adscripción: INGENIERIA ELECTRO-FOTONICA

Resumen curricular:

El Prof. David Serrano estudio la Lic. En Ingeniería Física Industrial en el Tec de Monterrey campus Monterrey, la maestría y doctorado en Ciencias en Óptica por el Centro de Investigaciones en Óptica A.C. en León Gto. Estuvo trabajando como investigador Postdoctorante en Japón en la Universidad de Utsunomiya. Actualmente el Prof. David trabaja en la Universidad de Guadalajara como profesor investigador desarrollando instrumentos basados en la polarización de la luz e interferometría dinámica. Ha publicado 27 artículos de investigación, 1 patente internacional y ha impartido 30 conferencias nacionales e internacionales. El Prof. David es nivel I del sistema nacional de Investigadores del CONACYT y tiene el status de Senior Member en la sociedad internacional de óptica (OPTICA) anteriormente conocida como OSA y presidente de la academia de Ingeniería Óptica en el CUCEI. Sus líneas de investigación cubren el desarrollo de instrumentos basados en la polarización de la luz y seguimiento de cambios de fase en el tiempo con interferómetros dinámicos.

Perfil de Investigador SNII:

Nivel SNII:
Área del conocimiento:
I. Físico-Matemáticas y Ciencias de la Tierra
Campo de investigación:
Periodo vigente:
1 de enero de 2022 - 31 de diciembre de 2026

Perfil PRODEP:

Inicio de la vigencia:
1 de septiembre de 2022
Fin de la vigencia:
31 de agosto de 2025

Bases de datos bibliográficas:

Publicaciones del académico:

2024 - 3 articulos.
  • Single-shot Non-Invasive Quantitative Phase Microscopy for Dynamic 3D Imaging
  • Democratizing Label-Free Bioimaging: A Low-Cost Approach to Quantitative Phase Microscopy
  • Dynamic quantitative phase microscopy: a single-shot approach using geometric phase interferometry
2023 - 2 articulos.
  • Total retardance measurements based on the complex Fourier coefficients for the rotating polarizer analyzer system
  • Complex Fourier demodulation approach for the dual rotation polarizer-analyzer polarimeter
2022 - 8 articulos.
  • Measurement of the optical phase using two simultaneous interferograms with a polarized Mach–Zehnder interferometer coupled to a replicator system
  • Pixelated polarizing system for dynamic interferometry events employing a temporal phase unwrapping algorithm
  • Preliminary results of the implementation of a low-cost Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor
  • Measurement of the optical phase using two simultaneous interferograms with a polarized Mach–Zehnder interferometer coupled to a replicator system
  • Characterizations and Use of Recycled Optical Components for Polarizing Phase-Shifting Interferometry Applications
  • Linear retardance model for a rotating polarizer-analyzer polarimeter
  • Asian Journal of Physics
  • Measurement of the optical phase using two simultaneous interferograms with a polarized Mach–Zehnder interferometer coupled to a replicator system
2021 - 4 articulos.
  • Michelson interferometer for phase shifting interferometry with a liquid crystal retarder
  • Measurement in-plane deformations in electronic speckle pattern interferometry using phase-shifting modulated by polarization
  • Fourier demodulation approach for a rotating polarizer analyzer polarimeter for retardance measurements
  • Dynamic phase measurements employing a pixelated polarizing camera and temporal phase unwrapping algorithms
2020 - 10 articulos.
  • Single shot phase-shifting interferometry with q = ±1 optical vortices and modulation of polarization
  • Dynamic parallel phase-shifting electronic speckle pattern interferometer
  • Fourier analysis of optical spectra for characterization of regimes in passively mode-locked fiber lasers
  • Calibration approach for a rotating polarizer analyzer polarimeter for retardance measurements
  • Imaging apparatus for obtaining image of polarizing film, inspection apparatus, and inspection method
  • Single shot phase-shifting interferometry with q=±1 optical vortices and modulation of polarization
  • Phase stepping through polarizing modulation in electronic speckle pattern interferometry
  • Pixelated polarizing system for dynamic interferometry events employing a temporal phase unwrapping approach
  • Development of a dynamic interferometer using recycled components based on polarization phase shifting techniques
2019 - 8 articulos.
2018 - 6 articulos.
  • Temporal measurements of transparent samples with four simultaneous interferograms by using a Mach–Zehnder interferometer
  • Retardance polarization measurement based on a dual rotating polarizer arrangement
  • Multiwavelength wavefront detection based on a lateral shear interferometer and polarization phase-shifting techniques
  • Interferometric measurements of phase objects by using a simultaneous polarizing phase shifting Mach-Zehnder interferometer
  • Dynamic interferometric measurements employing a pixelated polarization sensor and FFT spatial-temporal filtering techniques
  • Temporal measurements of transparent samples with four simultaneous interferograms by using a Mach–Zehnder Interferometer
2017 - 4 articulos.
  • Optical path difference measurements with a two-step parallel phase shifting interferometer based on a modified Michelson configuration
  • Accuracy enhancement of dual rotating mueller matrix imaging polarimeter by diattenuation and retardance error calibration approach
  • Three-dimensional movement analysis for near infrared system using stereo vision and optical flow techniques
  • Dynamic phase measurements based on a polarization Michelson interferometer employing a pixelated polarization camera
2016 - 5 articulos.
  • Measurement of mean thickness of transparent samples using simultaneous phase shifting interferometry with four interferograms
  • Mueller-matrix modeling and characterization of a dual-crystal electro-optic modulator
  • Enhanced intensity variation for multiple-plane phase retrieval using a spatial light modulator as a convenient tunable diffuser
  • Dual photoelastic modulator and rotating wave plate based Mueller matrix polarimeter to measure the optical properties of scattering media
  • Mueller matrix imaging polarimeter with non-ideal retarder calibration