Resumen curricular:
La Dra. Mariela Bravo Sánchez es Profesor Investigador en el Centro Universitario de Ciencias Exactas e Ingenierías de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Es Ingeniero Electrónico con maestría y doctorado en Ciencias Aplicadas por la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Realizó dos estancias posdoctorales, una en el CINVESTAV-Querétaro y otra en la Universidad de Newcastle, UK, trabajando en ambas estancias en el análisis químico superficial de materiales por espectroscopia fotoelectrónica de rayos-X (XPS). Es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, nivel I y forma parte del cuerpo académico UDG-CA-997 en estructura electrónica molecular. Su línea de investigación se enfoca en el análisis de metales de transición por XPS y en el análisis cuantitativo por XPS en diversas aplicaciones como catálisis, películas delgadas y materiales nanoestructurados.
Perfil de Investigador SNII:
Perfil PRODEP:
Bases de datos bibliográficas:
Publicaciones del académico:
- Effect of titanium substitution on magnetic and dielectric properties of BaFe12O19 ceramics prepared by solid-state and co-precipitation methods
- Peak-fitting of Cu 2p photoemission spectra in Cu0, Cu1+, and Cu2+ oxides: A method for discriminating Cu0 from Cu1+
- Detailed peak fitting analysis of the Ni 2p photoemission spectrum for metallic nickel and an initial oxidation
- Catalytic conversion of GVL to biofuels using Cu and Pt catalysts over microwave-synthesized FAU zeolite
- Oxidation mechanism of metallic nickel
- High performance Pt nanocatalysts for the oxidation of methanol and ethanol in acid media by effect of functionalizing carbon supports with Ru organometallic compounds
- A self‐consistent multiple‐peak structure of the photoemission spectra of metallic Fe 2p as a function of film thickness
- Ecological solar absorber coating: A proposal for the use of residual biomass and recycled materials for energy conversion
- A self-consistent multiple-peak structure of the photoemission spectra of metallic Fe 2p as a function of film thickness
- Quantification of the sulfidation extent of Mo in CoMo HDS catalyst through XPS
- Novel rhodium on carbon catalysts for the oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde: A study of the modification of metal/support interactions by acid pre-treatments
- From the development of methods for fitting photoemission spectra to their practical applications: bridging the gap
- Effect of Mg as Impurity on the Structure of Mesoporous γ-Al203: Efficiency as Catalytic Support in HDS of DBT
- Facile obtaining of Iridium(0), Platinum(0) and Platinum(0)-Iridium(0) alloy nanoparticles and the catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol
- Facile obtaining of Iridium (0), Platinum (0) and Platinum (0)-Iridium (0) alloy nanoparticles and the catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol
- Evaluation of vascular tone and cardiac contractility in response to silver nanoparticles, using Langendorff rat heart preparation
- Composition assessment of ferric oxide by accurate peak fitting of the Fe 2p photoemission spectrum
- Inhibition of the Sonic Hedgehog Pathway by Cyclopa-mine or GLI1 siRNA Reduces
- Water as a catalytic switch in the oxidation of aryl alcohols by polymer incarcerated rhodium nanoparticles
- In situ ion beam sputter deposition and X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) of multiple thin layers under computer control for combinatorial materials synthesis
- In situ ion beam sputter deposition and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) of multiple thin layers under computer control for combinatorial materials synthesis
- The structure of the Ni 2p photoemission spectra
- Multivariate analysis of extremely large ToFSIMS imaging datasets by a rapid PCA method
- Solventless synthesis of ruthenium nanoparticles
- The satellites of the 2p core level of transition-metals
- Self-assembly of carbon nanotube films from room temperature ionic liquids
- The slope-background for the near-peak regimen of photoemission spectra