Perfil del usuario

Departamento de adscripción: INGENIERIA ELECTRO-FOTONICA

Resumen curricular:

El Dr. Héctor Santiago Hernández es profesor del Centro Universitario de Ciencias Exactas e Ingenierias de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Es licenciado en física, con maestría en optomecatrónica y Doctorado en Ciencias (Óptica). Ha realizado dos estancias posdoctorales por CONACYT. Participado en evaluación de diversos proyectos y tesis. El Dr. Santiago ha sido director y co-director de tesis de pregrado y posgrado. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SIN, nivel 1). Cuenta con producción científica de más de 40 publicaciones cientificas con alrededor de 300 citas por varios autores. El Dr. Santiago es miembro de la Sociedad Internacional de Óptica y Fotónica (SPIE), Sociedad de Óptica de América (OPTICA), Sociedad Mexicana de Física (SMF). Finalmente, el Dr. Santiago ha realizado actividades de divulgación de la ciencia en diversos foros como son los capítulos estudiantiles(SPIE-OSA), visitas guiadas a laboratorios y conferencias al público en general.

Perfil de Investigador SNII:

Nivel SNII:
Área del conocimiento:
I. Físico-Matemáticas y Ciencias de la Tierra
Campo de investigación:
Periodo vigente:
1 de enero de 2023 - 31 de diciembre de 2027

Bases de datos bibliográficas:

Publicaciones del académico:

2024 - 3 articulos.
  • All-POF Spectral Filter Based on In-Line Holes
  • Initial conditions retrieving through Fourier analysis in a rotating retarder Stokes polarimeter
  • Plastic Optical Fiber Spectral Filter Based on in-Line Holes
2022 - 1 articulos.
  • Sagnac with Double-Sense Twisted Low-Birefringence Standard Fiber as Vibration Sensor
2021 - 4 articulos.
  • All-POF coupling ratio-imbalanced Sagnac interferometer as a refractive index sensor
  • Design and development of multi-sensor based on all fiber NXN twisted plastic optical fiber
  • Rotational-shearing-interferometer response for a star-planet system without star cancellation
  • Complex dynamics of passively mode-locked fiber lasers with strict polarization control
2020 - 4 articulos.
  • Supercontinuum Generation in Er/Yb Doped Amplifier using Dissipative Optical pulses
  • Calibration approach for a rotating polarizer analyzer polarimeter for retardance measurements
  • Calibration of a three-dimensional profilometry system by temporal phase unwrapped algorithms
  • Fourier analysis of optical spectra for characterization of regimes in passively mode-locked fiber lasers
2019 - 9 articulos.
2018 - 15 articulos.
  • Estudio experimental de acopladores bicónicos de fibra óptica aplicados al desarrollo de multiplexores por división de longitud de onda
  • Dual-wavelength quasi-mode-locked regimes of an Er-doped fiber ring laser
  • Dissipative soliton resonance in a thulium-doped all-fiber laser operating at large anomalous dispersion regime
  • Study of the generation dynamics in a strict polarization-controlled passively mode-locked Er-fiber laser
  • Non-Adiabatic Tapered Fibers for the Operation of a Switchable Multi-Wavelength Thulium-Doped Fiber Laser
  • Dissipative Soliton Resonance in a Figure-Eight Thulium-Doped Fiber Laser
  • Study of dual-wavelength quasi-mode-locked regimes in a strict polarization-controlled Er-fiber ring laser.
  • Dual-wavelength thulium-doped fiber laser with separate wavelengths selection based on a two mmi filters configuration
  • All-fiber laser with simultaneous Tm3+ passive Q-switched and Ho3+ gain-switched operation
  • Abrupt-tapered fiber filter arrangement for a switchable multi-wavelength and tunable Tm-doped fiber laser
  • All-fiber passively Q-switched thulium-doped fiber laser by using a holmium-doped fiber as saturable absorber
  • Experimental study of multi-pulse generation in a full polarization-controlled passively mode-locked Er-fiber laser
  • Estudio experimental de acopladores bicónicos de fibra óptica aplicados al desarrollo de multiplexores por división de longitud de onda
  • Experimental study of biconical fiber optic couplers applied to the development of wavelength division multiplexing
2017 - 8 articulos.
2016 - 1 articulos.
  • High energy noise-like pulsing in a double-clad Er/Yb figure-of-eight fiber laser
2015 - 4 articulos.
  • Dynamics of noise-like pulsing at sub-ns scale in a passively mode-locked fiber laser
  • Generation and characterization of erbium-Raman noise-like pulses from a figure-eight fibre laser
  • Research Article Characterizing the Statistics of a Bunch of Optical Pulses Using a Nonlinear Optical Loop Mirror
  • Characterizing the statistics of a bunch of optical pulses using a nonlinear optical loop mirror