Resumen curricular:
Dr. Norberto Casillas Santana profesor e investigador titular “C” del Química de la UdeG, fundador y jefe del Laboratorio de Electroquímica y Corrosión (LEC) de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Especialista en el área de electroquímica y corrosión. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores nivel II, autor de más 88 artículos científicos arbitrados e indexados, con más de 1500 citas a sus trabajos, ha participado en más 200 congresos nacionales e internacionales. Mantiene colaboración con la Universidad de Southampton en el Reino Unido y la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Sus líneas de investigación incluyen el uso de las técnicas de barrido electroquímico en el estudio de corrosión localizada, síntesis, caracterización y modificación superficial de nanopartículas magnetita para aplicaciones en hipertermia y tratamiento de aguas.
Perfil de Investigador SNII:
Bases de datos bibliográficas:
Publicaciones del académico:
- Optimizing Electrocoagulation for Polystyrene Microplastics Removal via Magnetic Separation
- Magnetic and electrochemical characterization of magnetite nanoparticles modified with tetrahydroxyquinone
- Micromotors of MnO2 for the Recovery of Microplastics
- Special Issue: Tribute to the electrochemical emeritus researchers of SNI
- Cathodic protection of UNS S31600 with Al A96061 alloy sacrificial anodes for molten quaternary amine transportation
- Electrochemical characterization of functionalized magnetite nanoparticles with pyrogallol on a Au electrode
- Evaluation of an organic acid descaling solution for removal calcareous scales on pipelines
- A Novel Approach to Obtain Vaccine Effectiveness Continuous Profiles. Example Case: COVID-19 in Elderly Mexicans
- An Innovative Approach to Produce Magnetite Nanoparticles Synthesized by a Combined Electrochemical and Chemical Coprecipitation Method and their Electrochemical Monitoring
- Classic Evans’s Drop Corrosion Experiment Investigated in Terms of a Tertiary Current and Potential Distribution
- Development of an Application in Python Language to Simulate Cyclic Voltammograms with Multiple Reaction Mechanisms.
- Numerical Simulation of the Electrosynthesis of Br2 from a Highly Concentrated KBr Solution
- Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanowires for Developing a Prismatic Zinc-Silver Oxide Battery
- Numerical simulation of the electrosynthesis of Br2from a highly concentrated KBr solution
- DFT as a Tool for Predicting Corrosion Inhibition Capacity
- Kinetic Study and Numerical Validation of the Cyanide Neutralization Process Using Alkaline Chlorination
- Evaluating physical changes of iron oxide nanoparticles due to surface modification with oleic acid
- A brief summary of electrochemistry: from its beginnings to its present challenges
- A dynamic hysteresis meter for studying ferrofluids designed for magnetic hyperthermia
- An easily prepared ferrofluid with high power absorption density and low cytotoxicity for biomedical applications
- Mechanistic Interpretation for Xanthate Adsorption onto Galena through Electrochemical Impedance Spectrum Fitting by a Differential Evolution Algorithm
- Enhancement of antibacterial efficiency at silver electrodeposited on coconut shell activated carbon by modulating pulse frequency
- Design, Construction and Evaluation of a 3D Printed Electrochemical Flow Cell for the Synthesis of Magnetite Nanoparticles
- Analytical Fukui and cyclic voltammetric studies on ferrocene modified carbon electrodes and effect of Triton X-100 by immobilization method
- Application of a modified flow-type microcell to evaluate local mass transport coefficients
- New Insights into the Electrochemical Formation of Magnetite Nanoparticles
- Role of Defects on Regioselectivity of Nano Pristine Graphene
- The importance of the film structure during self-powered ibuprofen salicylate drug release from polypyrrole electrodeposited on AZ31 Mg
- Assessment of Physicochemical Properties of Tequila Brands: Authentication and Quality