Resumen curricular:
Rubén Ruelas obtuvo el grado de Ingeniero en Comunicaciones y Electrónica en 1988 por la Universidad de Guadalajara, un DEA en Control Automático y Procesamiento Digital de Señales en 1993 y el doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica en 1997, ambos grados por la Universidad Henri Poincaré-Nancy I, Francia, así como la especialidad en Tecnologías MEMS por la UNAM en el 2003. Actualmente es profesor en el Doctorado en Tecnologías de Información y en el posgrado en Ciencia de Materiales, todos ellos dentro del PNPC del CONACYT, es miembro del SNI y además lidera el grupo de Ingeniería de Manufactura dedicado a la investigación y desarrollo tecnológico en nanotecnología, celdas solares, fuentes de energías renovables, así como sistemas inteligentes e inteligencia artificial.
Perfil de Investigador SNII:
Perfil PRODEP:
Bases de datos bibliográficas:
Publicaciones del académico:
- Prototipo de un Contador Bidireccional Autom\'atico de Personas basado en sensores de visi\'on 3D
- Effect of triethanolamine complexing agent and thermal annealing on the physicochemical properties of CuS thin films
- Physicochemical properties of ZnTiO3/BiOCl nanoparticles and their photocatalytic application
- Green approach synthesis of carbon quantum dots from agave bagasse and their use to boost seed germination and plant growth
- Caracterización de eventos volcánicos explosivos a partir de las señales sísmicas del volcán de Colima, Mëxico, para la identificación de nivel de peligro volcánico
- Caracterización de eventos volcánicos explosivos a partir de las señales sísmicas del volcán de Colima, México, para la identificación de nivel de peligro volcánico.
- Detection and quantification of pore, solid and gravel spaces in CT images of a 3D soil sample
- Vision System Prototype for Inspection and Monitoring with a Smart Camera
- Study of BiFeO3 thin film obtained by a simple chemical method for the heterojunction-type solar cell design
- Automatic identification of the area covered by acorn trees in the dehesa (pastureland) Extremadura of Spain
- Brustkrebserkennung
- Synthesis of Si and CdTe quantum dots and their combined use as down-shifting photoluminescent centers in Si solar cells
- Mejora de contraste de imagenes de mamografía mediante procesamiento digital de imagen
- Anomalous Stokes shift of colloidal quantum dots and their influence on solar cell performance
- Breast cancer detection
- Contrast enhancement of mammographic images by digital images processing
- Pore detection in 3‐D CT soil samples through an improved sub‐segmentation method
- Images sub-segmentation by fuzzy and possibilistic clustering algorithm
- Pore detection in 3-D CT soil samples through an improved sub-segmentation method
- Anomalous stokes shift of colloidal quantum dots
- System for the control of entry and exit of pre-school students
- Improvement of the Image Sub-Segmentation for Identification and Differentiation of Atypical Regions
- Synthesis and characterization of the interaction of ZnO and CdTe photoluminescent quantum dots for photovoltaic applications
- Synergistic effects of nanotexturization and down shifting CdTe quantum dots in solar cell performance
- Módulo ESP8266 y sus aplicaciones en el internet de las cosas
- Red-shift of the photoluminescent emission peaks of CdTe quantum dots due to the synergistic interaction with carbon quantum dot mixtures
- Silicon solar cell efficiency improvement employing the photoluminescent, downshifting effects of carbon quantum dots
- Silicon solar cell efficiency improvement employing the photoluminescent, down-shifting effects of carbon and CdTe quantum dots
- Modelo Cuántico con Entrelazamiento y Confinamiento Aplicado al Hidrógeno
- La aplicación de la norma ISO 50001 Sistemas de gestión de energía, en la Universidad de Guadalajara
- Influence of nanotexturization, nanoparticles and CdTe quantum dots in the power conversion efficiency of solar cells
- Detección inteligente de microcalcificaciones en mamografías basada en técnicas difusas
- Un sistema cuántico simple con entrelazamiento
- Identification of pore spaces in 3D CT soil images using PFCM partitional clustering
- Modelado del confinamiento y la luminiscencia en nanopartículas de seleniuro y telururo de cadmio
- ACO Using a MCDM Strategy for Route Finding in the City of Guadalajara, México
- Quality of Microcalcification Segmentation in Mammograms by Clustering Algorithms
- Pattern recognition in numerical data sets and color images through the typicality based on the GKPFCM clustering algorithm
- Intelligent detection of microcalcifications in mammograms based on fuzzy techniques
- A Status Report on REACT, a Control Engine that runs on top of GNU/Linux for Creating SCADA and DCS Systems
- Using GNU/Linux and other Free Software for Remote Data Collection, Analysis and Control of Silos in Mexico
- Image segmentation by fuzzy and possibilistic clustering algorithms for the identification of microcalcifications
- Air Pollution Analysis with a Possibilistic and Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm Applied in a Real Database of Salamanca (México)
- Microcalcifications detection using PFCM and ANN
- Identification of Masses in Mammograms by Image Sub-segmentation
- Color image segmentation by partitional clustering algorithms
- Identification of domestic water consumption in a house based on fuzzy clustering algorithms
- A greater knowledge extraction coded as fuzzy rules and based on the fuzzy and typicality degrees of the GKPFCM clustering algorithm
- Better interpretation of numerical data sets by relative and absolute typicality of fuzzy clustering algorithms