Perfil del usuario

Departamento de adscripción: INGENIERIA ELECTRO-FOTONICA
Categoría: TEMPORAL

Resumen curricular:

Dr. Antonio Casillas is an engineer in Communications and Electronics from the University of Guadalajara (his thesis obtained an honorable mention by CANACO in 2006, in the annual thesis contest for university theses). At the same university, he obtained a PhD in Materials Science, in whose area he has more than 10 international scientific publications and a Master of Science degree in the area of MEMS (microelectromechanical systems). Within his professional activity he has experience in the industry and in the academy (in the area of languages and engineering, in the electronics area of the Electronics and Computing Division of the University Center for Exact Sciences and Engineering and most recently in materials research applied on gas detection, mainly). He participated as a mentor in the User Innovation: A path to entrepreneurship workshop. Office of Digital Learning of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as well as in the educational innovation and pedagogical transformation workshop by the same institution. He participated in the Teaching through English in Undergraduate Programs workshop. Educlaster Findland, University of Jyvaaskyla as well as in the Designing for the Summit V Process I workshop. Workshop for learning the MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical) structure design tool, taught by Sandia National Laboratories. He has given science divulgation lectures as well as congress ones. Currently, he is a Senior IEEE member. And member of the SNI, National researchers System by CONAHCyT, level 1.

Perfil de Investigador SNII:

Nivel SNII:
Área del conocimiento:
I. Físico-Matemáticas y Ciencias de la Tierra
Campo de investigación:
Ciencias de la tierra y del espacio
Periodo vigente:
1 de enero de 2023 - 31 de diciembre de 2027

Bases de datos bibliográficas:

Publicaciones del académico:

2024 - 4 articulos.
2023 - 2 articulos.
2022 - 3 articulos.
2021 - 2 articulos.
  • A theoretical-practical study on poles and zeros calculated from a filtered modulated function of an interference pattern
  • A gas sensor for application as a propane leak detector
2020 - 3 articulos.
2019 - 2 articulos.
  • Carbone monoxide (CO) detection device based on the nickel antimonate oxide and a DC electronic circuit
  • Signal Analysis, Signal Demodulation and Numerical Simulation of a Quasi-Distributed Optical Fiber Sensor Based on FDM/WDM Techniques and Fabry-Pérot Interferometers
2018 - 2 articulos.
2017 - 1 articulos.
  • A theoretical study and numerical simulation of a quasi-distributed sensor based on the low-finesse Fabry-Perot interferometer: Frequency-division multiplexing