Departamento de adscripción:
Resumen curricular:
A.B. Klimov es Investigador Titular C del Física del Centro Universitario de Ciencias Exactas e Ingenierías, de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Es Investigador Nivel III del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores. Ganador de la Medalla “Marcos Moshinsky” (2014). Su campo de investigación es Física de Teórica, en particular óptica e información cuántica, tiene más de 190 artículos JCR, 1 monografía (Wiley-VCH), dos libros de texto y 3 capítulos de libros, varios artículos de revisión. h-index: 30 (web of science) 37 (google academic) Dirección de tesis de doctorado (14), maestría (16) y licenciatura (9)
Perfil de Investigador SNII:
Nivel SNII:
Área del conocimiento:
I. Físico-Matemáticas y Ciencias de la Tierra
Campo de investigación:
Periodo vigente:
1 de enero de 2016
31 de diciembre de 2025
Bases de datos bibliográficas:
Publicaciones del académico:
2024 - 9 articulos.
- Semiclassical spectra of the single- and two-photon Tavis-Cummings models
- Tunneling Currents in the Hyperbolic Phase Space
- Covariant operator bases for continuous variables
- Nondispersive evolution of the pump mode in down-conversion processes and in the presence of Kerr nonlinearity
- Multipoles from Majorana constellations
- Tomographic Universality of the Discrete Wigner Function
- Detection of multipartite correlation transfer via discrete Rényi entropy
- Multipartite entanglement generation via quantum walks with multiple coins
- Robust quantum metrology with random Majorana constellations
2023 - 6 articulos.
- Quasiclassical approach to the nonlinear Kerr dynamics
- Majorana stellar representation of twisted photons
- Asymptotic Quantization of a Particle on a Sphere
- Local sampling of the SU(1,1) Wigner function
- Covariant operator bases for continuous variables
- Asymptotic Quantization of a Particle on a Sphere. Quantum Rep. 2023, 5, 294–310
2022 - 6 articulos.
- Macroscopic distinguishability and scalability of N -mode field states
- Correspondence Rules for SU(1,1) Quasidistribution Functions and Quantum Dynamics in the Hyperbolic Phase Space
- Macroscopic distinguishability and scalability of -mode field states
- From polarization multipoles to higher-order coherences
- The Macroscopic Evolution in the Measurement Space
- Acknowledgment to Reviewers of Quantum Reports in 2021
2021 - 12 articulos.
- SU(1, 1) covariant s-parametrized maps
- Dual form of the phase-space classical simulation problem in quantum optics
- Random Majorana Constellations
- Macroscopic features of quantum fluctuations in large N qubit system
- MUB-like structures and tomographic reconstruction for N-ququart systems
- Semi-classical discretization and long-time evolution of variable spin systems
- Macroscopic stability of cluster states under local transformations
- Rotation sensing at the ultimate limit
- Quantum concepts in optical polarization
- Isospectral mapping for quantum systems with energy point spectra to polynomial quantum harmonic oscillators
- Effective and efficient resonant transitions in periodically modulated quantum systems
- SU (1, 1) covariant s-parametrized maps
2020 - 8 articulos.
- Wigner function for SU(1,1)
- Long-time semiclassical evolution of spinlike systems from Majorana sampling
- Extremal quantum states
- Wigner function for SU (1, 1)
- Dual problem of nonclassicality
- Macroscopic approach to N-qudit systems
- Truncated Wigner approximation as non-positive Kraus map
- Quasiprobability currents on the sphere
2019 - 6 articulos.
- Correspondence rules for Wigner functions over SU(3)/U(2)
- Correspondence rules for Wigner functions over
- Deterministic entanglement extraction
- Professor Viktor V. Dodonov: on the Occasion of His 70 (th) Birthday
- The Wigner flow on the sphere
- Picturing quantum phase transitions
2018 - 3 articulos.
- Tomography from collective measurements.
- Tomography from collective measurements
- Equilibration and thermalization in the measurement space