Departamento de adscripción:
Resumen curricular:
El Dr. Alexander Nesterov es profesor del Centro Universitario de Ciencias Exactas e Ingenierías de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Es Físico Teórico, Doctor en Ciencias Físico Matemáticas. Es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores nivel II, tiene un índice H de 15 y cuenta con más de 100 artículos de investigación, además de dos libros y u cinco capítulos de libros. Sus líneas de investigación incluyen Field Theory, General Relativity, Complex Networks, Quantum Phase Transitions, Non-Hermitian Quantum Mechanics, Quasigroups and Non-associative Gauge Theories.
Bases de datos bibliográficas:
Publicaciones del académico:
2024 - 4 articulos.
- Primordial Axion Stars and Galaxy Halo Formation
- Spacetime Foam and Solution of the Cosmological Constant Problem
- On Clustering Coefficients in Complex Networks
- Primordial Axion Stars and Galaxy Halos Formation
2023 - 2 articulos.
- Critical phenomena in complex networks: from scale-free to random networks
- Spacetime as a Complex Network and the Cosmological Constant Problem
2022 - 2 articulos.
- Gennady Petrovich Berman
- Quench dynamics and defects formation in the Ising chain in a transverse magnetic field
2021 - 3 articulos.
- Hidden symmetries, spin and charge of artificial magnetic monopoles
- Deep learning for gravitational-wave data analysis: A resampling white-box approach
- Light-Induced Ultrafast Dynamics of Spin Crossovers under High Pressure
2020 - 8 articulos.
- Dark matter spin-spin interaction through the pseudo-scalar vacuum field
- Decoherence as a detector of the Unruh effect
- Critical Phenomena in Complex Networks: from Scale-free to Random Networks
- Ultrafast Quantum Relaxation Dynamics of Magnetically Ordered Systems with Spin Crossover in an Excited State under a Sudden Perturbation
- In Response to COVID-19: Configuration Model of the Epidemic Spreading
- Ultrafast dynamics of light-induced spin crossovers under high pressure
- Dark matter spin–spin interaction through the pseudo-scalar vacuum field
- Complex networks in the framework of nonassociative geometry
2019 - 4 articulos.
- Modeling of noise-assisted quantum transfer between donor and acceptor with finite bandwidths
- Principal Q-bundles
- How nonassociative geometry describes a discrete spacetime
- Infinite-dimensional representations of the rotation group and magnetic monopoles
2018 - 3 articulos.
- Noise-Assisted Quantum Exciton and Electron Transfer in Bio-Complexes with Finite Donor and Acceptor Bandwidths
- Production of Entanglement Entropy by Decoherence
- Effect of the Interatomic Exchange Interaction on the Magnetic Phase Transitions in Spin Crossover Systems under High-Pressure
2017 - 6 articulos.
- Cooperative phenomena in spin crossover systems
- Multi-scale exciton and electron transfer in multi-level donor–acceptor systems
- Magnetic and structural phase transitions in systems with spin crossover under pressure
- Production of Entanglement Entropy by Decoherence in Biological Systems
- Possible role of interference, protein noise, and sink effects in nonphotochemical quenching in photosynthetic complexes
- Multi-scale exciton and electron transfer in multi-level donor-acceptor systems
2016 - 5 articulos.
- Nonlinear dynamics of dipoles in microtubules: Pseudospin model
- Dynamical model of the kinesin protein motor
- Dynamics of a chlorophyll dimer in collective and local thermal environments
- On improving the performance of nonphotochemical quenching in CP29 light-harvesting antenna complex
- Non-Hermitian Quantum Annealing and Superradiance
2015 - 4 articulos.
- Superradiance transition in graphene
- Superradiance transition and nonphotochemical quenching in photosynthetic complexes
- Decoherence and spin echo in biological systems
- Role of protein fluctuation correlations in electron transfer in photosynthetic complexes
2014 - 2 articulos.
- Noise-assisted quantum electron transfer in multi-level donor-acceptor system
- Non-Hermitian quantum annealing in the antiferromagnetic Ising chain
2013 - 6 articulos.
- Noise-assisted quantum electron transfer in photosynthetic complexes
- Quench dynamics in spin crossover induced by high pressure
- Smooth loops and Thomas precession
- Non-Hermitian quantum annealing in the ferromagnetic Ising model
- Non‐Hermitian approach for modeling of noise‐assisted quantum electron transfer in photosynthetic complexes
- Non-Hermitian approach for modeling of noise-assisted quantum electron transfer in photosynthetic complexes
2012 - 1 articulos.
- Quantum search using non-Hermitian adiabatic evolution