Dr. Anatoly Filonov
Departamento de adscripción:
Perfil de Investigador SNII:
Nivel SNII:
Área del conocimiento:
Campo de investigación:
Periodo vigente:
2 de enero de 2015
31 de diciembre de 2029
Perfil PRODEP:
Inicio de la vigencia:
16 de julio de 2019
Fin de la vigencia:
15 de julio de 2025
Bases de datos bibliográficas:
Publicaciones del académico:
2024 - 2 articulos.
- Science of Lakes – Multidisciplinary Approach
- Small-scale spatiotemporal thermal regimes drive patterns of zooplankton abundance in akelp forest
2023 - 3 articulos.
- Temperature Regime, Dynamics and Water Balance of Two Crater Lakes in the Nevado de Toluca Volcano, Mexico
- Dynamics of internal gravity waves off the Pacific coast of Mexico.
- Small-scale spatiotemporal thermal regimes drive patterns of zooplankton abundance in a kelp forest
2022 - 4 articulos.
- Thermal Regime and Water Balance of Two Tropical High-Mountain Lakes in the Nevado de Toluca Volcano, Mexico
- Hydrography of Crater Lake of Isabel Island, Nayarit, México
- The dynamics and temperature regime of the crater lakes in the Nevado de Toluca volcano, Mexico
- Lake Alchichica Limnology
2021 - 3 articulos.
- Coastal response to the passage of tropical cyclone Juliette on the Central Pacific Coast of Mexico
- Complex interactions between meteorological parameters and the thermal regime of two tropical, high altitude crater lakes (Nevado de Toluca, Mexico)
- Tidal Energy Flows between the Midriff Islands in the Gulf of California
2020 - 3 articulos.
- High amplitude internal tidal waves generated over an underwater sill in the Gulf of California
- A method for a rapid measurement of geostrophic currents in coastal waters: A bay case study
- Numerical and Observational Analysis of the Hydro-Dynamical Variability in a Small Lake: The Case of Lake Zirahuén, México
2019 - 5 articulos.
- Delivery of zooplankton to the surf zone during strong internal tidal forcing and onshore winds in Baja California
- High frequency (hourly) variation in vertical distribution and abundance of meroplanktonic larvae in nearshore waters during strong internal tidal forcing
- Natural Frequencies of seiches in Lake Chapala
- Internal tsunami waves transport sediment released by underwater landslides
- Internal tidal waves in Tiburon Basin (Gulf of California, Mexico) modulate fish larvae aggregations
2018 - 3 articulos.
- Análisis espectral y dispersión superficial de detritos suspendidos en la Bahía de Banderas mediante imágenes de satélite
- Vertical distribution of zooplankton biomass during internal tidal forcing under mesoscale conditions of upwelling and relaxation
2017 - 2 articulos.
- Diurnal frequency internal waves in the southern part of the California Current ecosystem as a nutrient source
- Modeling the Effect of a Submarine Canyon on Eddy Generation in Banderas Bay, México
2016 - 2 articulos.
- Lake Sciences and Climate Change
- Thermal structure and circulation in Lake Chapala, Mexico
2015 - 1 articulos.
2014 - 1 articulos.
2012 - 2 articulos.
- Cross-shelf transport of sub-thermocline nitrate by the internal tide and rapid (3–6 h) incorporation by an inshore macroalga
- Cross-shelf transport of sub-thermocline nitrate by the internal tide and rapid (3–6h) incorporation by an inshore macroalga
2011 - 3 articulos.
- Inclined internal tide waves at a narrow Mexican Pacific shelf
- Interrupción de la secuencia del mes de máxima precipitación y sus implicaciones en el entendimiento de la dinámica de las lluvias de verano
- Nonlinear internal tidal waves in a semi-enclosed sea (Gulf of California)
2010 - 2 articulos.
- Seasonality and anomalies of sea surface temperature off the coast of Nayarit, Mexico
- The Ocean, The Wine, and The Valley: The Lives of Antoine Badan.
2009 - 1 articulos.
- An anomaly in the occurrence of the month of maximum precipitation distribution in northwest Mexico
2007 - 3 articulos.
- On a spectrum of nonlinear internal waves in the oceanic coastal zone
- A note on the effects of an individual large rainfall event on saline Lake Alchichica, Mexico
- Marea interna en la parte noroeste de la BahÃa de Banderas, MÃ̧opyrightxico
2006 - 4 articulos.
- Breaking of a tidal internal wave on a steep shelf as inferred from temperature measurements
- Orbital motions and coherent structures in the internal tide on a steep shelf off the Pacific coast of Mexico
- Geostrophic currents in the presence of an internal waves field in Bahía de Banderas, México
- Dynamic response to mountain breeze circulation in Alchichica, a crater lake in Mexico
2005 - 2 articulos.
- Features of the nonlinear internal wave spectrum in the coastal zone
- Spectrum of nonlinear internal waves in horizontally inhomogeneous shallow sea
2004 - 2 articulos.
- Plankton biomass and larval fish abundance prior to and during the El Niño period of 1997–1998 along the central Pacific coast of México
- Semidiurnal Internal Tide at the Pacific Coast of Mexico
2003 - 2 articulos.
- Internal tides in the Northern Gulf of California
- Nonlinear Internal Waves Near Mexico’s Central Pacific Coast